Wednesday, October 10, 2012

At Joyful Monkey's Request...

This morning, JM conquered her fear! She allowed her Oma to insert her set in her tummy! She has avoided this site out of fear, but this morning, she did it! Oma did it because the last two times Mama's done a site change, we've had ugly bleeders. Mama's a bit set shy right now.

Anyway, I was a bit shocked when she asked me to take her picture and put it on our blog. I didn't know she even thought about the blog. Now a Facebook update, I'd expect. But, as per her request, here it is. Way to go, Joyful Monkey!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Joyful Monkey had a particularly difficult night last night. It was a CGM and pump site change night. She was tired and not her typical, joyful self. As she was grumpy, I asked her if it was a tough D-day. She shook her head no. It seemed that she didn't want to succumb to self pity. I told her that it was okay to feel upset about Diabetes every once in a while. She started to cry and say that she wished she could just feel normal. I asked her what normal felt like. She said she didn't know. I asked her if she felt her sisters felt "normal". She didn't think they did. (Okay, world...clearly an "abnormal" house here.)

I couldn't think of anything else. I just started to pray out loud for her. I thanked God for the courage he gave her everyday. I thanked God for the joy she has always shown in spite of her Diabetes. I thanked him for the joy we could have, despite our feelings of sadness, because of the incredible gift he gave us on the cross. I thanked him for giving her this gift, so that someday she would worship him freely, without the grief and pain of this disease. I asked him to give her the courage she would need to fight this battle each day without losing her joy. I thanked him for the ways he was using this disease to strengthen her and build her character.

At the end of my prayer, she smiled. I told her that I felt like I should sing "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart!" She giggled and it was music to my ears.

I told her that she would probably go through many times when she would be upset or sad about Diabetes. I explained that she may spend a month of dealing with Diabetes daily, but not really giving it a second thought. Then, she'd have a couple days where she would just feel frustrated with it. I assured her that it was OKAY to feel that long as we didn't stay in that place, as long as we didn't set up camp for longer than our couple days and as long as we remembered all the things we are blessed with.

As I encouraged her, I knew the Holy Spirit was giving me the words to say and was, in turn, encouraging my heart as well. It just reminded me again how lost we'd be without the Savior's love on this journey. I so desperately depend on His strength!


We've been on quite a journey since we celebrated our eleventh anniversary (my last post here). About a month and a half later, I was offered a full time job teaching. I felt the Lord leading me down this path, as all of the pieces fell together just perfectly. It was the first time, however, I had worked full time outside the home since I had my girls. That part has been hard. Now, Daddy has the "privilege" of getting them up and ready, as my school begins before his does. I know what a task it can be to get three girls ready and out the door on time, so I feel guilty that I'm not a part of it. Aside from being there when they get up, I also miss out on volunteering in their school, going on field trips, and being "in the know". I am so grateful, however, that Scott is "in the know". He does work there, afterall.

I am completely blessed to have a teaching job and I absolutely LOVE my class this year! I'm having such a great time with them and I am continually learning new skills and using new ideas. It's brought to life a part of "me" that has been missing for awhile.

All of the "busy"-ness of our new life has left us exhausted. It has been extremely hard to reach out to others as it seems we are just fighting to stay above water, ourselves. We're juggling church, sports, three school schedules, homework, and learning the dynamics of a new school. Did I mention that History Buff started Middle School?

Right now, life is completely overwhelming, yet I feel like I need to be doing more. I need to be finding ways to serve others that my children can learn from and take part in. There are so many wonderful ministries and organizations out there, not to mention all of the opportunities that present themselves to us daily. I guess I'm just wondering, when do all of the good activities become toxic? I feel like there is just no room in our lives to do the things we should be doing.

What do you do to ensure your family thrives at a pace where spiritual growth and purposeful living take precedence? How do you decide what good things to give up?

*On a side note, Joyful Monkey got a CGM! Woohoo!